


A Guide to Unlocking Your Core Values Before Entering the Workforce


You may have a broad idea of what kind of work you’d like to do after you graduate but still be unsure about exactly what kind of career to pursue. An important consideration is your core values. Bearing your values in mind is key to finding fulfillment from your work. It is helpful to unlock your core values while you’re still at college — before you enter the workforce full time — to ensure you make the right career decisions.

Core Values Defined

Before we go any further, it’s necessary to be clear about what we mean by core values: they are your most important beliefs, priorities, and qualities. Both individuals and companies hold core values — businesses express them through their mission statements.

Exploring Your Core Values

You may already have some idea of your core values — they may have influenced what major you chose or the activities you’re involved in outside of your classes, such as campus organizations. However, many students are still figuring out what matters most to them and may continue the process even while they’re applying for jobs. Just thinking about whether a company’s mission statement and culture resonates with you can be revealing. Other things you can do include taking an Enneagram assessment, considering your strengths and passions, and reflecting on what you’re most proud of achieving.

Why Find a Job That Aligns with Your Core Values

Uncovering your core values before you enter the workforce is useful because it means you’ll ensure your job aligns with these values. As a result, you’ll enjoy your work and be more productive, which can improve your chances of a promotion. There’s also a greater chance you’ll be working with people you get along with.

Incorporating Your Core Values into Your Career

Beyond making sure a particular job matches your core values, it’s necessary to think about how you can incorporate these values into your long-term career. To do this, you need to acknowledge that your values may change over time. This could mean you need to seek a job in a slightly different field in the future. You may also want to pursue further education or training to open new doors. Lastly, it’s crucial to understand that there’s a difference between values and skills — you may be competent in a particular role, but if it doesn’t match your values, it’s unlikely you’ll feel fulfilled.

Make sure you spend plenty of time reflecting on your core values throughout your time at college. This requires spending time alone — which could be difficult if you don’t even have your own space. This is one reason why you should consider moving off campus and into rooms for rent. Barrie students can find a new home at Arcadian Students. You’ll have a private room and en suite bathroom in a five-bedroom apartment or townhouse. You’ll also have the chance to expand your social circle by meeting other people who live in the same building in places like the common area lounge, outdoor fire pit, and basketball half court. Pay us a visit to see where you could be living.