


Digital Wellness: Balancing Screen Time and Self-Care in the Digital Age


It’s a good idea to limit screen time for self-care reasons. This can be difficult at college, as you’re using screens for working on assignments, staying in touch with people back home, coordinating with friends, and perhaps also taking notes in class. But with the right strategy in place, you should find it’s possible to spend a significant part of every day away from screens.

1. Use Your Screen Time for Productive Activities

Much of your screen time is likely mindless scrolling and other unproductive activities. Reduce this by committing to use all your screen time productively, such as working toward your academic and personal goals. Regularly assess your current goals and your progress toward them as well as setting new goals.

2. Create a Daily Schedule

Block out time throughout the day for different activities, including classes, studying, exercise, and chores. Make sure you only use screens when engaged in activities that require them.

3. Avoid Screens Before Bed

The most important time of the day to stay away from screens is before you go to bed. You’ll find that putting away screens at least one hour before bedtime helps you fall asleep faster and improves your sleep quality.

4. Take Breaks

It’s a good idea to take breaks when studying because it’s impossible to stay productive for hours at a time. Consider setting a timer to avoid pushing yourself for too long. Use your break for an activity that doesn’t require screens, such as doing stretches, taking a short walk, or even chatting with a roommate.

5. Keep Certain Areas of Your Apartment Free from Screens

To avoid temptations, commit to keeping screens away from certain places in your apartment, such as the kitchen table and spots you go to relax. If your roommates also want to reduce their screen time, you may like to designate some areas as being screen free for everyone.

6. Take a Digital Detox

Spend even more time than normal away from screens by having a digital detox on a regular basis. This means cutting out all the non-essential activities that involve screens for a set period of time. Alternatively, if you’re not ready to give up screens entirely, track your app usage and set limits on those you’re using the most for unproductive activities.

7. Find More In-Person Activities

Look for more opportunities to spend time with other students away from screens. As well as joining extracurriculars and attending campus events, this could be as simple as striking up a conversation with your roommates or other people living in your building.

You’ll spend more of your free time away from screens if you live in student housing with plenty of spaces to socialize. Arcadian Students offers an alternative to Georgian College residence that’s the perfect place to make new friends. You’ll be able to spend time with other students in places like the common area lounge, outdoor grill and fire pit, and basketball half court. When you want to spend time alone, you’ll have your private bedroom in your fully-furnished apartment. Contact us for details about leases.