


How to Prepare for Life After University During Your Senior Year


When you start your senior year, the reality that university will be over soon and you’ll need to survive in the real world sets in. Another major life change is just around the corner — but there’s no reason to think you won’t excel. In fact, you can start preparing for this next stage in your life while you’re still at university.

1. Begin Your Job Search

Don’t wait until graduation to start looking for a job. Depending on the field you want to enter, it may be worth beginning your search during the fall semester of your senior year, if not before.

2. Attend Job Fairs

One way to find employment is at campus job fairs. These are also a great way to meet employers, talk to people in your industry about what they’re looking for in candidates, and gain a better picture of the job market.

3. Visit the Career Development Centre

You’ll increase your odds of landing a job if you come across as capable and professional in your application and interview. The career development center on campus can help you prepare by giving you tips to improve your resume, helping you practice for interviews, and providing you with career advice. The staff may also know of internships that could help you gain relevant experience before you begin full-time employment.

4. Expand Your Network

You have the chance to network all the time, not just at formal events like job fairs. People you meet at your internship, at your part-time job, in class, and during activities on campus can all form part of your network.

Start thinking of everyone you meet as a potential connection who could help you with some aspect of your life in the future, such as for job opportunities, finding an apartment, or advice. Stay in touch through social media (particularly LinkedIn). If your school has an alumni association, consider joining to expand your network further.

5. Improve Your Online Presence

Whenever an employer is considering you for a job or people meet you in a professional capacity, they will likely do an internet search for your name. Make sure the results present you in the best possible light. The easiest way to do this is to focus on your social media profiles. Delete or change the privacy settings for any content you’d prefer professional contacts not to see and spend time optimizing your LinkedIn profile. To go a step further, you may like to set up a personal website or an online portfolio of your work.

6. Search for a Mentor

It’s useful to have a mentor who can advise you on how to meet your career goals. This person should be someone in your field who you already have a relationship with, such as a professor, a former supervisor, or someone you met during your internship. Ask anyone you feel could fit this role if he or she would be willing to become your mentor.

7. Increase Your Credit Score

Improving your credit score will make you a stronger candidate for an apartment after you graduate and give you better terms when you’re borrowing money, such as for buying a car or starting your own business. One of the best ways to boost your credit score is to make timely payments on your student loans every month. In addition, if you don’t already have a credit card, it’s worth applying for one now and using it only for purchases you know you’ll be able to pay in full. Keep your balance under 30% of the limit to maximize your credit score.

You’ll feel more prepared for life after university if you’ve been living in an independent apartment rather than in a campus residence. You can find a room in Barrie near Georgian College at Arcadian Students. You’ll have everything you need to be independent: a kitchen to prepare your own meals, fibre internet to work on papers from the comfort of your home, and in-suite laundry facilities. Apply now to move in before the fall semester starts.